Days of the ICTAM24 Conference

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Conference location:

The conference will be held at the University of Sétif 1, Faculty of Technology, conference room, Salah Karmi.

How to get to the University of Sétif 1/ Accommodation:

From the bus station, just opposite the stadium, take the tram (station 8 May 45) destination either Berchi Abid or Oucissa Laid, stop at the station (Ferhat Abbas), to go to the Sports Complex (accommodation), Take the tram (station 8 May 45) destination Oucissa lay, stop at the station (Ferhat Abbas) see Map


The Secretariat of the The 1st International Conference on Technological Applications of Materials (ICTAM'24):

Department of Basic Education in Technology,

Faculty of Technology.

University of Farhat Abbas, Algeria

El Bez Campus - Sétif 19137, Algeria 

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Conference secretariat: BEY Karima

Mobile:                           +213 (0) 6 70 02 21 70  

                                        +213 (0) 6 98 66 63 24